By providing ongoing training and upskilling to your employees, you are giving them the opportunity to grow and learn new skills. This will increase employee satisfaction and retention, as your staff will feel they have room for upward growth. With an increase in the younger generation entering the workforce, research by Robert Walter shows that “…53% of Millennials were disappointed by a lack of personal development training when starting a new job. Despite this, only 15% of employers felt that personalized training programs were a priority for maintaining employee engagement. If you're not already making ongoing, personalized training and skill enhancement a priority, you need to focus on it immediately. Additionally, providing frequent safety training can reduce workplace injuries and reduce employee absences due to injury.

By doing so, you provide a safer and less hazardous work environment for all your employees and increase employee attendance. The greatest part of it all is that it can all be email list easily done through employee management software. Instead of filling multiple heavy filing cabinets with tons of training materials, forms, and paperwork for employees to lug around, employee management software gives employees digital access to all training materials anytime, anywhere. place, directly on their mobile device. With Connecteam, you can make training materials fun and engaging by incorporating images, videos, GIFs, and external links.

You can also provide them with additional reading material if an employee wants to hone different skills. You can track your employees' progress through the training materials in real time and with customizable digital quizzes, you can track how well your employees are retaining the training materials. If you notice that they are not retaining or learning information as expected, you may need to make some adjustments to your onboarding and training processes. Create clear security and compliance standards Ever-changing COVID-19 regulations can drive any manager crazy when it comes to ensuring your employees are protected and follow all rules and regulations while working. Even safety and hazard reports can become a nightmare when done manually with pen and paper.