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Facebook messaging applications bring us interesting news. For years, Facebook has owned three great messaging apps : Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct and WhatsApp. It seemed logical to think that at some point they would consider unifying them, and now the rumors are starting to come true with the merger of Facebook Messenger and Instagram. We tell you everything about this novelty. Do you want to improve your advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram? Enter here and watch for free the course that will help you achieve better results for your brand or company. Instagram and Messenger merge their chats you can use both apps Instagram Direct and Facebook Messenger merge For a few weeks, some users from certain countries can already send messages through Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct that are synchronized with each other. This means that conversations are "merged" and the same messages appear no matter what app you sent or read them with. In this way, now Facebook Messenger users will be able to contact you on Instagram Direct without the need to download a new application, and vice versa. For now,  this new functionality is optional: Instagram users can choose whether they want to update it or not.

When it is available for a specific user, a message appears informing them of the news and giving them the option of merging both chats or continuing as before. It remains to be seen if in the future it will be mandatory for all users of Instagram Direct and Facebook Messenger to combine both apps. Unification-messaging-Messenger-Instagram-app In addition, Facebook has presented several relevant novelties for these two messaging applications: Watch together: a feature to be able to watch videos at the same time during a call, available for videos from Facebook Watch,  IGTV  and soon  Reels. Selfie Stickers: You can create Guatemala Phone Numbers List stickers with your selfie on Boomerang and incorporate them into the conversation. Ephemeral mode: With this option, the messages you send disappear after being viewed or when you close the chat. Option to customize the chat with multiple color schemes. Custom emoji reactions with shortcuts to your favorite emojis. Replies to specific messages: this option, already available in WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, is extended to the new unified chat. Forwarding content to up to 5 friends or groups. Animated message effects. In addition, the new merged chat incorporates new options for users to better control their privacy, such as controlling who can send you messages, proactive block suggestions or tools to report suspicious activity. The next step: the unification of WhatsApp Facebook has already declared its intention to go ahead with this process and also incorporate the third of its messaging applications, WhatsApp. In 2019, Zuckerberg announced that it will be possible to exchange messages between Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct and WhatsApp, but nobody knows yet how the new unified mega-platform will work. Integrating WhatsApp is a greater challenge than unifying Facebook and Instagram chats since WhatsApp is currently not a multiplatform network. It will also be interesting to see what happens to privacy regulation in the new integrated messaging app and how both users and regulators respond.


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